Cash Genie and short-term advance policy

Cash Genie is an internet lending company that sticks to particular rules when it comes to deciding whether to lend applicants money or not. Their decisions are based on a number of straightforward principles, which means that it’s comparatively easy to know whether your application will go through or not. Aside from that, there are a few things to remember, since what you make of the opportunity in the long term is more up to you than any number of rules and parameters can dictate.

Informal lending can have an appalling reputation – loan sharks and other unscrupulous lenders charging sky-high rates of interest, keeping no paperwork (or keeping the paperwork from you) and ensuring that you never properly know when you’re out of debt. In fact, the intention of these people is not to keep you out of debt: it’s to keep you in it, always repaying interest but never totally paying off the loan. The saying is apt – you can fleece a sheep many times, but only skin it once. The best companies, on and offline, should work on the principle that they should be trying to make themselves obsolete to each person who uses them: their service is temporary, intended to get the client through a short-term problem – not to keep them in long-term poverty through repeated and unnecessary repayments.

That’s why Cash Genie lend only for one month. There are no hidden charges: the rates are 30 percent for the course of the loan. It might seem expensive, but that’s it. It’s a kind of one-off flat-fee, and the arrangement is supposed to finish after that. The idea is to get you out of trouble and hopefully keep you there, rather than saddling you with repayments that go on and on for years. The purpose of the loan is to give you the breathing space to look at your accounts properly, understanding where you went wrong and putting some measures in place to make sure that you don’t need to keep coming back to instant loan approval companies again in the future (and, incidentally, it is almost instant – the decision is made within minutes or even seconds, everything is automatically checked, and the company uses specially designed software to make sure that you are getting the right amount of money – not more than you need, which is bad practice on both your parts, but not less either).

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